Monday, November 23, 2009

He loves me? He loves me not.

I was just thinking about rationalism and empiricism, and until now I've thought that knowledge is based more on perception than on reason. And that just made me sad. If empiricism is true, would that mean that love does not exsist? No, no, it would only mean that one could never know whether they were in love, because love can not be percieved. I suppose that one could use their reason to deduce that they were in love. For me this kind of reinforces my belief that perception is the true basis of knowledge, because I'm not convinced that anyone can know that they are in love, or that love even exsists. Empiricists must be quite pesemistic. I suppose it depends on the deffinition of love and I also suppose that I'm using my reason presently... but since i'm not gaining any knowledge as I'm only being foolish and confused it shouldn't support rationalism. I very sincerely hope that no one has wasted their time reading this. sorry Mr. Wall :P

get a life and get a girlfried

I'll hopefully write a more substantial blog later this week, but for now I hope I can entertain a few people. My mom is reading a book called "The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse" by Robert Rankin. Here is an excerpt she thought I could include in my blog that I thought was pretty funny:

"It is a fact well known to those who know it well that we can only truly know what we personally experience. Above and beyond that, it's all just guesswork and conjecture.

Of course, there are those who will take issue with this evident profundity. They will say, 'Ah, but what do we really understand by truly know and personally experience?' But to these issue takers we must say, 'Get a life and get a girlfriend.'"

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I don't really have much to say on this topic that I didn't already say in my comment on Mathew's blog. I do agree that "swine flu" is probably very much hyped up by the media and is not as dangerous as some people may think. I hear so many people saying, " It's only as bad as any other flu." Maybe so, but other strains of influenza are lethal too! Haha, it's very unlikely that any of us will die from any flu this year, but there IS a chance, so why not take the precautions? On the other hand I'm not sure of the side effects of this particular vaccine. But the only reason not to get the vaccine should be to avoid any possible side effects, not to prove the point that H1N1 has been sensationalized by the media.