Friday, October 16, 2009

goor xix la flid.... geddit? me neither :P

Today in class we discussed what constitutes a language. I couldn't think of any examples of languages that might be exceptions to the first few criteria Mr. Wall proposed to us. I do believe that it must be possible to convey ideas through language. I can't think of any reason to dispute the rule that it must be possible for multiple beings to learn, understand, and communicate using a language if it is to be one. I'm not as convinced that communication must be intentional for it to be considered a language. Is imagery a form of language? It is certainly a way for people to convey ideas to one another using symbols to represent other things. The communication of ideas through imagery such as paintings and drawings must be intentional, I think, because each element of one of these images was created consiously by their artist. On the other hand, the elements of a photograph can all convey ideas, but they may not have all been intentionally included by the photographer. Does this mean imagery can not be a form of language?

1 comment:

  1. Hmm...I enjoy these brother tells me that a good photographer has a purpose for every element in a photo...however I agree with you I think when I say that perhaps what the photographer intended to convey could be interpreted and taken in a completely opposite direction than was intended...and yet it is not wrong...but is it a language? hmm...I don't know Shea...I like your blog though...>_<
